IOI Indonesia presented a webinar on March 9th, 2022 themed “Economic Valuation of Coastal Ecosystem” to participants from many stakeholder entities such as government, NGOs, academia and business sectors. The aim of the webinar was to share information and knowledge about ecosystem values by using software tools: Interpreted Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) and Coral Point Count with Excel extension 4.1 (CPCe 4.1 software). InVEST software may be used for mangrove, seagrass and coral ecosystems to find out the value of the ecosystem, economically, and the way to sustain the natural resources for future needs.
The information gathered can be used to influence decisions about wise use and conservation of ecosystems by many stakeholders. Lectures were conducted by Mufti Petala, an expert on economy value from Universitas Indonesia, and a member of the team from IOI Indonesia, Anindita Diah.