IOI Canada recently concluded delivery of its online course on Ocean Governance in the UN Decade of Ocean Science: Key Issues and Challenges (11th April – 2nd June 2022). Offered for both synchronous and asynchronous participation, this webinar-based training programme provided an interdisciplinary exploration of important aspects of Ocean Governance through a combination of lectures, discussions, videos and readings. With 24 participants accepted into the live class and over 100 more registered for the self-paced study stream, there was global representation from nearly 60 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, Europe, the Indian Ocean, North and South America, and the South Pacific.
Modules focused on Ocean Governance and Law of the Sea; State of the Ocean; and Fisheries, Aquaculture and Food Security, with almost 20 lecturers providing their perspectives from a broad range of backgrounds and disciplines. Check IOI Canada’s website for the full schedule and list of speakers. Although the live sessions are now over, self-paced participants are provided with extra time to enable them to work their way through the recordings and related materials while juggling other commitments. This flexibility is definitely one of the strengths of this form of training -- even if we look forward to a time when in-person courses will once again be the norm!