Register now for the following IOI Ocean Academy courses organised in Spanish, Urdu/English, Portuguese, Arabic, and English language by our partners in Costa Rica, Pakistan, Portugal, Egypt & Nigeria.
Participation is free of charge for interested applicants and the 20hr modules are offered online.
Visit the IOI Ocean Academy dedicated webpage for more information or to register your interest for other programmes.

Contribution of Sustainable development goals to marine environmental conservation
17 July - 7 August

Coastal Risk Literacy for Stakeholders
5 - 16 September 2022

Ocean Knowledge for Sustainable Use, Exploitation and Conservation of Resources
19 - 27 July 2022

Navigate The Portuguese Sea
3 October - 11 November 2022

South Africa Ocean Academy
10 - 25 August 2022

Understanding the Linkage between Ocean & Climate for Sustenance of Life, Livelihood & Food Security with Special Reference to Pakistan
Jul - Aug, Oct - Nov 2022
Three More IOI Ocean Academy Programmes Successfully Delivered

India: Ocean Literacy: Know Your Planet Beyond the Land; Online, 22 March - 4 April 2022, in Marathi and English Language
TERRE Policy Centre partnered with the IOI to conduct Online Ocean Academy Courses for audiences in India. The first course was successfully completed in April, targeting audiences having a genuine interest in gaining knowledge on ocean and its related topics, regardless of educational background. The main aim of this IOI Ocean Academy was to transform the way society perceives the Ocean by reorienting education, highlighting the gaps in knowledge, values, and behaviours that are needed to achieve sustainability.
One of the course contributors, Mr Sunil Murlidhar Shastri, Consultant, Educator and Speaker in Ocean and Environment Governance, spoke about his work and experience, mentioning, also, his association with Elisabeth Mann Borgese and her enduring legacy. Dr Vinitaa Apte, Founder and Director, TERRE Policy Centre, Pune, India emphasised the importance and need for the conservation of the ocean and the planet.
47 applications were received and participants came from sectors dealing with education, the environment, journalism and even students applied to participate. The course was divided in four parts: One Ocean- a place of wonder, beauty and danger and of critical importance to life on Earth; Governing Our Ocean- a delicate balancing act: meeting our needs sustainably and for the benefit of all, today and in the future; Local or Audience Relevant Topics; What next on this matter? Conclusion and the Way Forward.
Maldives: Marine Environmental Security Issues for the Maldives, Online, 10 - 23 May 2022, in English and Dhivehi
The course was conducted by a leading expert in marine sciences, in the Maldives, Dr Abdulla Naseer and Dr Azmath Jaleel, Director of IOI Ocean Academy Maldives. Guest lecturer, Shaahina Ali, Executive Director of Parley Maldives, reiterated the marine environmental issues and the toll it is taking on the Maldivian reef systems.
38 applications were received, nearly all Maldivians, males and females, including senior civil service officials, Council members, teachers, environmentalists, divers, a chef and students. The course covered the following topics: Coral reefs, types, how they are formed, the coral reef ecosystems, and also the importance of these reefs; Waste disposal and pollution of the marine environment; The consequences of climate change effects experienced in the Maldives; The threats and challenges to the reefs and their health and sustainability; The consequences of current waste disposal practices; Current policies and management practices and mitigation measure with respect to the threats, negative practices and their effects; Proposals and further measures that can be taken to address prevailing issues and help adapt, mitigate threats and improve sustainability.
Black and Mediterranean Seas: Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development and Ocean Governance, ONLINE, 29 April - 31 May 2022, English
42 participants from around the world joined the online academy programme focused on the study of sustainable coastal tourism development and Ocean governance aspects related to this issue. Lectures on the topic were supported by the demonstration of successful case studies of sustainable coastal tourism developments presented to course participants via a four-part programme organization with each part followed by mentored discussion. According to the course evaluation that was conducted upon completion of the course, 94,1% of respondents considered the course valuable, having met their expectations and very well organized with all highly valuing the informative material and handouts provided. Persons competing the full programme were presented with a Certificate of Attendance.
The following are some of the testimonials from the course:
“I liked most the lectures on (1) Sustainable coastal tourism development and ocean governance and (2) beach management guidelines, because as a resident of a coastal city and a frequent beachgoer, I learned about the Blue Flag Program, the standards, the requirements for sustainable beach management, education, and tourism. While I don't own or manage a beach, I think these are very useful in promoting safe and sustainable beach tourism, in the field of diplomacy which I am studying, given that the country I am from, the Philippines, is strong on beach tourism.”
“It helps me to understand that we must think how we can sustain our Ocean tourism. It helps me understand the importance of tourism in our Ocean. It gave me an opportunity to widen my knowledge about policies”
“The topics were interesting, the visuals used in the presentation were impressive. As someone who has passed from the field of planning to marine sciences, I was able to understand the subjects clearly.”
Testimonials from the second session of the Singapore Ocean Academy Programme: The Ocean, Source of Life and Livelihoods - An online Ocean Literacy Course; 12 May - 31 May, reported in the IOInforma 0222

“It was a very interesting course and though have been involved in Marine activities for quite long, there were lots of areas which we need to have paid attention too. During the course some of the issues on the eco system and its impact on our very existence was knowledge gained……….After the course, acknowledge the need to further mainstream sustainable development at all levels, integrating economic, social and environmental aspects and recognizing their interlinkages, so as to achieve sustainable development in all its dimensions. Also recognize that opportunities for people to influence their lives and future, participate in decision-making and voice their concerns are fundamental for sustainable development, for those who live and are dependent on the Ocean.” Mohandas Menon

“I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude for extending the opportunity to join the Ocean Literacy Course programme titled "The Ocean, Our Source of Life and Livelihood" on Zoom from May 12, 2022 to May 31, 2022. The course was indeed an eye opener for me. Having sailed for fifteen years on board large ocean going vessels the oceans of this planet is very close to my heart, but little did I know how much important the oceans are for our livelihoods and how little do we know about its vast resources and more importantly how severely these sources of life are being neglected. The entire planet is already at peril for the negligence our oceans have suffered for centuries. It is about time we pay attention to its safety and cleanliness through awareness and enforcement of legislations. The information gathered during the course was very valuable. I came to know about the latest regulations and incoming policies to protect the oceans and its resources. I look forward to attending more similar courses in future. I thank IOI Malta and IOI Ocean Academy (Singapore) and wish them all the best.” Mirza G Sabur