We are happy to introduce the new Director for IOI South Africa, Judy Beaumont. She has worked in the environmental sector for 30 years, focussing on environmental sustainability, ocean and coastal management and climate change response. For much of that time, she worked for the South African Government in the department responsible for environmental management. During her career, she has gained wide ranging experience of working with stakeholders on the ocean and coastal management and climate change challenges and solutions in a South African and developing country context. Judy has a Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) degree in Environmental Science and an Honours degree in African Studies from the University of Cape Town.

IOI welcomes Dr Nicolas Ojeda Zavala as the new IOI Focal Point, operating from Chile. Nicolas is a Law Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Chile and has a PhD in Law from the University of Edinburgh and an LLM in International Legal Studies from the University of Vienna, among other degrees. Nicolas is am IOI Alumnus, having completed the IOI Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Caspian in Malta in 2014, he also participated in last year's online IOI Alumni Continuing Professional Development Course: New Developments and Issues in Ocean Governance. These experiences have strengthened Nicolas's resolve to work toward ensuring the sustainability of the ocean in his native country, Chile, with the support of the IOI.
A warm welcome to Judy and Nicolas on becoming part of the IOI family!