As an organization in consultative status with ECOSOC, the IOI shall be represented at the UN Ocean Conference (UNOC) with a delegation of three persons. This builds on the IOI’s commitment to the process, which started with the first UNOC held in 2017 in New York (IOInforma 0317), and training events, meetings held and partnerships forged over the years in favour of our Ocean.
As part of the IOI’s commitment to the process of achieving the SDGs, most notably SDG14, a number of specific actions related to the UNOC are being implemented over the years by the entire IOI Network, as well as participation in side events and registration of voluntary commitments among others.
Please make a note of the following side events where IOI speakers are contributing as panellists, you are invited to attend if you are at the UNOC or in Lisbon.
From Ocean Knowledge To Action: Developing Capacity To Create A Sustainable Ocean Economy

30 June 2022: 11:30 - 12:45: Room 1, Altice Arena,
Description: Multi-level knowledge sharing and synergising networks thematically unite the initiatives of IOI, UNCTAD, UNITAR/OOH and GOAL Global, focusing on developing capacity for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.

Building a Bridge between Science and Sustainable Action in Managing Impacts of Non-Indigenous Species in the Mediterranean Sea
28 June: 17:00-19:00 | Pavilhão do Conhecimento
Description: How can we tackle the problems related to non-indigenous species in the Mediterranean basin which is one of the biodiversity hot spots in the world?
The Voluntary Commitments of the IOI:
• #OceanAction41327 - IOI Ocean Governance training and capacity development
The IOI, through its global network of centres, offers annually a portfolio of international and regional Training and Capacity Development Programmes in Ocean Governance; IOI also provides customised thematic courses and leadership seminars at the request of partners.
• #OceanAction45943 - IOI Ocean Academy - Ocean Knowledge for All
By providing regionally and locally relevant, entry-level online education programmes, the IOI Ocean Academy will enable interested laypersons to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to understand the complexities of the ocean and its local and global effects,
• #OceanAction41315 - A Massive Open Online Course: One Planet One Ocean: From Science to Solutions.
This MOOC One Planet, One Ocean: From Science to Solutions is available free of charge to a global community of learners. It provides an integrated view of the ocean system and its interactions with humans, as well as presenting options for better and more sustainable management of the ocean. Experts from the natural sciences, law, economics and philosophy share insights on the holistic function of the ocean system. During the 6-week course duration, learners engage with experts and among themselves through lectures, a discussion forum, live Q&A sessions, and online assignments.
More information on the UNOC can be found here, as well as the full programme of events.