The IOI welcomes to the IOI network, new IOI Germany Director Professor Raimund Bleischwitz, Scientific Director of the ZMT, (host institute of IOI Germany). Raimund’s priorities at ZMT include solution and impact-oriented research, capacity development and knowledge exchange on topics as the ocean-climate nexus, blue economy, blue carbon, as well as leadership and ocean literacy, all topics falling under the IOI’s mission interest and Prof Raimund Bleischwitz sees topics such as the blue economy and climate protection as important points on the agenda of IOI Germany.
"The oceans and coastal ecosystems are increasingly important for climate protection. In addition, a blue economy creates opportunities for sustainable use for food, tourism and maritime industries. We also want to work together to address the need for education and training. The IOI is an excellent partner due to its international reputation." (Raimund Bleischwitz)
Prof Bleischwitz succeeds Dr Werner Ekau, who served as Director of IOI Germany for many years, since the opening of the German Centre in 2002. In his words, “working for the IOI was not only a wonderful experience, but also a great honour to support the important work of IOI founder Elisabeth Mann Borgese over many years. The protection of the oceans is and remains an important task and challenge – perhaps even more so today than when the IOI was founded 50 years ago.” (Werner Ekau)
On behalf of the IOI Network, we thank Dr Ekau for his many years of service and "take the opportunity to warmly commend and thank Dr Ekau for the many years of dedication to the IOI through the actions of IOI Germany, his advice and input during his tenure as Chair of Directors on the IOI Governing Board and more recently. His work over this time has been invaluable and essential in its many forms, but more than that, his friendship and good will towards the IOI over many years of association have been a validation from which we drew strength and support." (A Vassallo, Managing Director, IOI HQ)
We look forward to working with IOI Germany Director Bleischwitz to further enhance the strong and fruitful relationship with IOI Germany and ZMT, knowing already that his professional and personal qualities will be an asset. Congratulations and welcome to the IOI family.