IOI Canada recently delivered its first ever workshop specifically for Indigenous Peoples. Funded mainly by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, as well as the IOI, this one-week, in-person event, was designed for and with Indigenous Peoples from Mi’kma’ki, Wolastoqiyik and Peskotomuhkatik (Maritime Provinces). Through presentations, videos, discussions and field trips, the 15 participants were challenged to explore key aspects of Ocean and Coastal Governance using an interdisciplinary approach, with particular attention given to Indigenous needs, perspectives and knowledge systems. Topics ranged from law and governance to marine conservation, fisheries management and ocean technology, and Indigenous speakers were among the 14 specialists sharing their knowledge and expertise. Further details, including the schedule and list of presenters, are available in the Workshop Report. A short video (below) about the workshop was also produced with funding from IOI.