Six New Nodes will be offering IOI Ocean Academy courses in different languages across the globe
The IOI Ocean Academy outreach continues to grow as new online modules will now be offered from Algeria, Georgia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco and Tunisia, in French, Georgian, Swahili, Spanish, French and Tunisian respectively bringing up the total number of national IOI Ocean Academy nodes to 21.
Launched in 2022 for the IOI's 50th Anniversary, the IOI Ocean Academy has proved to be a great success. Since the beginning of this year, more than 900 applications have been received with more coming in for the upcoming courses. IOI continues its mission to provide regionally and locally relevant Ocean knowledge so that interested persons can understand basic Ocean processes, and the interaction between Ocean, climate, human activities and livelihoods, empowering them to preserve the Ocean and its biodiversity for future generations.

REGISTER NOW for the next IOI Ocean Academy online courses organised in Swahili, Portuguese and Georgian by our partners in Kenya, Portugal and Georgia respectively.
Visit the IOI Ocean Academy main page for more information, and to check out the latest courses open for registrations.
Sign up to an IOI Ocean Academy today, and be empowered with the knowledge to become more active in favour of Ocean protection and sustainable use.

Introduction to Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Protection for a Sustainable Blue Economy in Kenya
Swahili language
3 May - 8 June 2024

Ocean Literacy in Schools: Creating Ocean Literacy Content and Enhancing Pupil Engagement
17 May - 15 June 2024
Four more IOI Ocean Academy Courses successfully completed

- INDIA: Ocean Literacy: Know Your Planet Beyond the Land, 18 March - 1 April; Marathi & English
- SOUTH AFRICA: Learn more about South Africa's Ocean and Opportunities in the Blue Economy, 4 - 14 March; English
- SINGAPORE: The Role of the Ocean on Earth’s Climate Change: Cause of the Crisis and Effect on Our Life, 3 -12 March; English
- PAKISTAN: Possibilities of Sustainable Maritime Development with Special Reference to Pakistan and Local Region, 26 February - 8 March; Urdu & English

Another four courses were recently completed by Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa and India, encompassing delivery in Urdu, English, and Marathi with more than 120 persons successfully completing their modules to be awarded a certificate of participatiocann. .
Following the successful IOI Ocean Academy outreach over 2023, with a total of 43 courses completed and around 3,000 participants, in 2024 the IOI aims to expand the IOI Ocean Academy programme globally to deliver more modules, increase the number of languages offered and the outreach to more countries - and all the while - making Ocean literacy accessible for all. Visit the IOI Ocean Academy webpage regularly to keep updated on the upcoming courses open for applications.