ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ އަތޮޅުތަކާ ފަރުތައް: މި ނާޒުކު މަހައުލާ،އޭގަވާ ދިރުން ދެމެހެއްތެނިވިގޮތުގަ ރައްކާތެރިކުރުން
Course Fee
މުޅިން ހިލޭ
Duration of the course
20 hours; 20:30 – 22:30 Maldives Local Time, daily except Friday & Saturday
ރާއްޖޭ ގަޑިން
ހުކުރު ހޮނިހިރު ފިޔަވާ ކޮންމެ ދުވަހަކު
Application Deadline
ފަހުން އަންގާނެ
Eligibility criteria
Anyone who understands Dhivehi may apply for this course
ދިވެހަ ބަސް ދަންނަ ކޮންމެ މީހަކައް މިކޯހުގަ ބައިވެރިވެވޭނެ
This course gives an introduction to corals and the coral reefs making up the atolls of the Maldives. Participants will be presented with the different theories of atolls and coral reef formations in a modern perspective. The modern atolls and their formation and characteristics will be discussed in light of the monsoons and Indian Ocean weather patterns. The course will present the readers with an understanding of coral reef diversity and life on reefs. We will explore the special characteristics which allow humans to have successfully lived on these reefs for thousands of years in light of their habitats, livability, and sustenance. The course will lay the foundation for a firm understanding of protecting and conservation of the reefs and how we can work to actively protect and preserve coral reefs.