Learn more about South Africa’s Ocean and Opportunities in the Blue Economy

online 27 May - 6 june 2024 in english


Course Fee


Duration of the Course

Total hours 20 



Deadline for Applications

21 February 2024

Eligibility of the Applicants 

Primarily for South African participants, however it is also open to participants living and working within Africa with an interest in the ocean, ocean literacy, and ocean opportunities, including government, non-governmental organisations, business, labour etc. 


We need a healthy Ocean to survive. But our Ocean is in trouble, and so are we. By providing locally relevant, entry-level online education programmes, the Ocean Academy will enable interested laypersons to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to understand the complexities of the ocean and its local and global effects, now and in a changing future, laying the foundations for more informed understanding and personal daily decision-making.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain a basic understanding of the ocean: the goods and services it provides, the threats to the ocean, how to live in a more sustainable way with the Ocean;
  • Learn about the importance of ocean governance, sustainable and equitable human use, the principle of the common heritage of humankind, respecting the needs of future generations, all in locally relevant context;
  • Be empowered to become more active locally as stakeholders to positively influence their communities and beyond;
  • To be able to identify priority issues, trends and future challenges in ocean issues, locally and globally.

Apply here

Poster & Programme

IOI SA OA course poster Mar24.jpg
JPG Image 138.5 KB
SA Programme 0124.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 343.8 KB