Ocean Governance, Conservation and Sustainable Resource Management

six Online courses from July - december 2024 in the english language


Course Fee


Duration of each Course

Total hours 20 (two hours/day including Q&A session)



Deadline for Applications 

17 June 2024

Eligibility of the Applicants

Graduates, Final year undergraduates, Middle level officers and Policy makers at the Ministries and Departments 


This online training course is designed to upgrade the Ocean literacy of the participants by providing an understanding of globally, regionally and locally relevant Ocean information at an appropriate level while addressing specific local needs. The training helps to achieve the outcome of a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Developments and more particularly to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Learning Outcomes

  • Obtain a basic understanding of the Ocean, the goods and services it provides, the threats to the Ocean, and how to live in a more sustainable way with the Ocean;
  • Understand the linkages between Ocean governance and sustainable and equitable human use, application of the principle of the common heritage of humankind, the needs of future generations;
  • Identify priority issues, trends and future challenges in Ocean issues, locally and globally;
  • Understand and Describe Marine ecosystem and management practice, port shipping and security, fisheries, aquaculture, women in fisheries and recreational use of Sri Lanka waters.

More information

Mr Aruna Maheepala (Senior Scientist)


Mr. P.A.D. Ajith Kumara (Director of Monitoring and Evaluation)



National Aquatic Resources 

Research and Development 

Agency (NARA) website:


How to apply

Closed for Applications


Sri Lanka Online Training Programme_2024
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Sri Lanka Training_Notice_2024.pdf
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