The IOI makes available Ocean and IOI training-related information and opportunities, reporting of IOI’s activities and plans, via the IOInforma. The latest
IOInforma bulletins are available to view below and back issues can be found in the IOInforma
Archives. Readers are welcome to email IOI HQ for any feedback or information.
IOI Chile successfully delivered its first Training Programme in Spanish, “Ocean Governance in South America: Challenges and Opportunities/Gobernanza de los Oceanos en Sudamérica:
desarrollo y oportunidades”, 6 - 31 January, Santiago, Chile: REPORT
New IOI Focal Point in the United Kingdom: ANNOUNCEMENT
IOI is represented at UN meetings at the Palais des Nations in Geneva in January and February: REPORT
Capacity Development Opportunities
Creating Ocean Leaders: the IOI shall be offering its annual in-person Training Programmes on Ocean Governance portfolio in 2025 - follow and share our Media outreach for
application opportunities over the year
IOI Alumni Continuous Professional Development Programme in 2025; REGISTER NOW
IOI Ocean Academy
The IOI Ocean Academy Programme receives a funding extension for three years and is expected to deliver over 60 modules in in 2025 globally; registration opportunities are now
open: NEWS
New IOI Ocean Academy Node, Suriname: Registrations are now open for the first module being offered March – April in Dutch
IOI represented at the UN Summit of the Future in New York, 22 and 23 September; REPORT
Extension of the Agreement Between the University of Malta and IOI to jointly offer the accredited IOI Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the
Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas, in Malta, 29 October; REPORT
IOI Partnerships and Collaborations with Global Ocean Stakeholders; REPORTS
DEEP SEA NIGHT - a Screening of Deep Rising, and IOI participation in the expert discussion panel, 14 October; REPORT
The IOI presents the IOI Ocean Academy at the 6th International Conference on Sustainability Education, 19-20 September, New Delhi, India; REPORT
Capacity Development Opportunities
Award of the IOI Elisabeth Mann Borgese Bursary, 2024 and successful completion of the 2023-24 EMB Bursary,15 October; REPORT
IOI Canada Workshop: Coastal and Ocean Governance for Indigenous Peoples, 7 - 11 October; REPORT
IOI Alumni Continuing Professional Development Series: 3rd Webinar, 2024. Navigating the Geopolitical Divide: The Strategic and Environmental Implications of Deep
Seabed Mining: 26 September; REPORT
IOI Representative at the Maritime Spatial Planning Cooperation Workshop of Maritime Silk Road Partner Countries, Beijing, 26 September; REPORT
IOI Ocean Academy
IOI Ocean Academy: Registrations Open for diverse modules: APPLICATIONS OPEN; and more modules are successfully completed; REPORT
The First IOI Training Programme in Spanish by IOI Chile - Ocean Governance in South America: Challenges and Opportunities, Santiago, Chile, January 2025; Send your
expressions of interest
- The IOI Ocean Academy Global Programme Endorsed by the UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary as a Decade Action
- The 5th IOI Thailand Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance Framework, Implementation of UNCLOS and its Related Instruments in the
Southeast Asian Seas and the Indian Ocean, was successfully delivered, 1 - 27 July Phuket Thailand
World Oceans Day 8 June 2024: “Awaken New Depths”; IOI Network events held globally
Ocean Training and Capacity Development Opportunities
IOI Ocean Academy: REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Maldives, Costa Rica, Kenya, Mexico; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Costa Rica, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Ukraine
IOI Courtesy Visit to the Executive Secretary of IOC, UNESCO HQ, Paris 14 May
IOI Alumni CPD Webinar: From Carbon Sink to Solution - Unlocking the Ocean's Role in Climate Mitigation; 13 June
IOI China Training Programme on Ocean Governance: Legal Framework, Policies, Technologies and Practices; 27 May – 7 June Tianjin, China
IOI Training Centre in Canada successfully delivers Ocean capacity development and training events in the first half of 2024
Honorary President of IOI, invited to contribute to UNCTAD@60 Global Leaders Forum, Palais des Nations, Geneva and Guest speaker at UNCTAD webinar
Director of IOI Ocean Academy Maldives, represents IOI in Marine and Maritime conferences during May and June
Ocean Training and Capacity Development Opportunities
IOI Ocean Academy: 4 Ocean Literacy modules open for registrations; Highlights from the 3rd IOI Ocean Academy Directors' Meeting; Successful Delivery of 11 modules
The IOI Egypt Training Centre was formally launched following the signature of the MOU with IOI Egypt host institute NIOF; REPORT
Announcement of the first IOI Training Programme on Ocean Governance in the Arabic Language, 3-28 November 2024 in Suez-Hurghada, Egypt
Empowering Ocean Leadership: IOI's Engagement at the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference: REPORT
New IOI Focal Point in Portugal, Dr Joana Dionisio: ANNOUNCEMENT
IOI Managing Director delivers keynote speech at the Inauguration of the Global Women Network for Nature; Online, 8 March; REPORT
Meeting between IOI and WestMED National Hub, IOI HQ, Malta; 4 April
IOI Ocean Academy Sri Lanka offer an additional Junior Scientists programme for School Children: REPORT
IOI Representative at the MALDIVES MARITIME CONFERENCE: Villa Nautica, Maldives; In-person event, 6th March: REPORT
Ocean Training and Capacity Development Opportunities
IOI Ocean Academy: 6 New Nodes have recently joined the IOI Ocean Academy Network; Another 4 courses successfully completed and 5 Academies open for registration: News
Launch of the English Language version of the latest World Ocean Review in the Series (WOR8): The Ocean – A Climate Champion? How to Boost Marine Carbon Dioxide
Uptake; February: ANNOUNCEMENT
IOI is represented at the preparatory meetings for the UN Summit of the Future (September 2024); Geneva; January - February: REPORT
IOI panellist at the First International Conference of IMU on Coastal Communities and Marine Pollution (CC MARPOL – 2024), 2nd February: REPORT
IOI HQ welcomed a Delegation from the Ministry of Education of Thailand, 25 January: REPORT
Request for Manuscripts for the Ocean Yearbook Volume 39 to be published in June 2025
Ocean Training and Capacity Development Opportunities
Applications are NOW OPEN for IOI Canada’s next Ocean Governance Training (Online); REGISTER; 18 March - 23 May 2024
IOI Ocean Academy Programme in 2024