- 02/27/2025 - IOI Chile successfully delivered its first Training Programme in Spanish, “Ocean Governance in South America: Challenges and Opportunities", 6-31 January
- 02/26/2025 - Creating Ocean Leaders: the IOI shall be offering its annual in-person Training Programmes on Ocean Governance portfolio in 2025
- 02/25/2025 - The IOI Ocean Academy Programme is expected to deliver over 60 modules in 2025 globally; Registration opportunities are now open
- 02/24/2025 - New IOI Focal Point in the United Kingdom – Mr Conor Savage
- 02/23/2025 - IOI is represented at UN meetings at the Palais des Nations in January and February
- 12/17/2024 - IOI Egypt successfully delivers the first IOI Ocean Governance Training Programme in Arabic, 3 - 28 November, Suez and Hurghada, Egypt
- 12/10/2024 - IOI representative attends the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan
- 12/09/2024 - The IOI Ocean Academy: another successful year of outreach and global growth with 51 IOI Ocean Academy Courses Successfully delivered in 16 languages
- 12/08/2024 - IOI Special Seminar: From Promises to Practice: Addressing the Disconnect Between Global Ocean Goals and Effective Implementation, 6 December
- 12/07/2024 - The 19th IOI Malta Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas was successfully completed
- 12/06/2024 - Successful completion of IOI South Africa’s 11th Training Programme on Ocean Governance for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, 4 - 29 November
- 12/05/2024 - IOI Germany and ZMT Online Course: “Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Social-Ecological Systems”, 18 - 29 November
- 12/04/2024 - IOI is a partner in the first ECOP Programme Training Course: “Introduction to Oceanographic Survey Techniques and Data Management” Malta, 4 - 17 November
- 12/03/2024 - IOI Chile offered the 3rd International Seminar titled: “Oceans, Sustainability and Environment”, 4 November, Santiago, Chile
- 12/02/2024 - IOI Canada offered the 18th annual Elisabeth Mann Borgese Ocean Lecture, and a Professional Development Day for Teachers, Canada
- 12/01/2024 - New Director for IOI Germany Centre, Rebecca Lahl
- 11/28/2024 - The IOI Centre in Costa Rica marks the 30th Anniversary of its establishment in 1994
- 10/30/2024 - IOI represented at the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York, 22 and 23 September
- 10/29/2024 - Extension of the Agreement Between the University of Malta and IOI to jointly offer the accredited IOI Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance
- 10/28/2024 - IOI Partnerships and Collaborations with Global Ocean Stakeholders;
- 10/27/2024 - DEEP SEA NIGHT - A Screening of 'Deep Rising', followed by IOI participation in the expert panel discussion; Valletta Campus, University of Malta, 14 October
- 10/26/2024 - The IOI presents the IOI Ocean Academy at the 6th International Conference on Sustainability Education, 19-20 September, New Delhi, India
- 10/25/2024 - Award of the IOI Elisabeth Mann Borgese Bursary, 2024 and successful completion of the 2023-24 EMB Bursary, 15 October
- 10/24/2024 - IOI Canada Workshop: Coastal and Ocean Governance for Indigenous Peoples, 7 - 11 October
- 10/23/2024 - IOI Alumni CPD Webinar: Navigating the Geopolitical Divide: The Strategic and Environmental Implications of Deep Seabed Mining; 26 September
- 10/22/2024 - IOI Representative at the Maritime Spatial Planning Cooperation Workshop of Maritime Silk Road Partner Countries, Beijing, 26 September
- 10/21/2024 - IOI OCEAN ACADEMY: REGISTRATIONS OPEN: B&M Seas, Nigeria, Morocco, Tunisia; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Singapore, Mexico, Kenya, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, Tunisia
- 08/28/2024 - The First IOI Training Programme in Spanish by IOI Chile - Ocean Governance in South America: Challenges and Opportunities, Santiago, Chile, January 2025
- 08/27/2024 - The IOI Ocean Academy Global Programme Endorsed by the UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary as a Decade Action
- 08/26/2024 - The 5th IOI Thailand Training Programme was successfully delivered 1 - 27 July, Phuket Thailand
- 08/25/2024 - World Oceans Day 8 June 2024: “Awaken New Depths”; IOI Network events held globally
- 08/24/2024 - IOI Ocean Academy: REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Maldives, Costa Rica, Kenya, Mexico; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Costa Rica, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Ukraine
- 06/26/2024 - IOI Courtesy Visit to the Executive Secretary of IOC, UNESCO HQ, Paris 14 May
- 06/25/2024 - IOI Alumni CPD Webinar: From Carbon Sink to Solution - Unlocking the Ocean's Role in Climate Mitigation; 13 June
- 06/24/2024 - IOI China Training Programme on Ocean Governance: Legal Framework, Policies, Technologies and Practices; 27 May – 7 June Tianjin, China
- 06/23/2024 - The IOI Training Centre in Canada successfully delivers Ocean capacity development and training events in the first half of 2024
- 06/21/2024 - Honorary President of IOI, invited to contribute to UNCTAD@60 Global Leaders Forum, Palais des Nations, Geneva and Guest speaker at UNCTAD webinar
- 06/20/2024 - IOI Ocean Academy: 4 modules open for registrations; Highlights from the 3rd IOI Ocean Academy Directors' Meeting; Successful Delivery of 11 Programmes
- 06/19/2024 - Azmath Jaleel, Director of the IOI Ocean Academy Maldives, represents IOI in Marine and Maritime conferences during May and June
- 04/29/2024 - Announcement: The First IOI Training Programme on Ocean Governance in the Arabic Language; November 2024, Suez-Hurghada, Egypt
- 04/28/2024 - Empowering Ocean Leadership: IOI's Engagement at the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference
- 04/27/2024 - New IOI Focal Point in Portugal, Dr Joana Dionisio
- 04/26/2024 - IOI Ocean Academy: 6 New Nodes recently joined the IOI Ocean Academy; another 4 courses successfully delivered; 3 modules open for registrations
- 04/25/2024 - IOI Honorary President at the 35th Anniversary of the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI), IMO Headquarters, London, 22nd April
- 04/24/2024 - IOI Managing Director delivers keynote speech at the Inauguration of the Global Women Network for Nature
- 04/23/2024 - Meeting between IOI and WestMED National Hub, IOI HQ, Malta; 4th April
- 04/22/2024 - IOI Ocean Academy Sri Lanka Offers an Additional Junior Scientists Programme for School Children; Columbo, Sri Lanka
- 03/21/2024 - IOI Representative at the Maldives Maritime Conference: Villa Nautica, Maldives, 6th March
- 02/23/2024 - Launch of the English Language publication in the World Ocean Review Series: The Ocean – A Climate Champion? How to Boost Marine Carbon Dioxide Uptake
- 02/22/2024 - IOI Alumni CPD Online Series: Webinar Q1 2024: Where Skies and Seas Meet: Climate and Ocean Interdependence in Policymaking, 29 February
- 02/21/2024 - IOI is represented at the preparatory meetings for the UN Summit of the Future (September 2024); Geneva; January, February
- 02/20/2024 - IOI Panellist at the First International Conference of IMU on Coastal Communities and Marine Pollution, 2nd February
- 02/19/2024 - Thai Delegation Courtesy Visit to IOI Headquarters; 25 January 2024
- 02/18/2024 - Request for Manuscripts for the Ocean Yearbook Volume 39 to be published in June 2025
- 02/17/2024 - Applications are NOW OPEN for IOI Canada’s next Ocean Governance Training; Online; 18th March - 23rd May 2024
- 02/16/2024 - IOI Ocean Academy Programme in 2024
- 12/21/2023 - IOI Representation at COP28, Dubai, 8 - 12 December 2023
- 12/20/2023 - IOI Special Seminar/IOI Alumni CPD: Breaking the Stalemate: The Role of Ocean Literacy in Catalysing Progress on SDG 14 and Beyond, 7th December 2023
- 12/18/2023 - International Symposium of the United Nations Regular Process on strengthening the Ocean science-policy interface
- 12/17/2023 - Successful delivery of the 18th IOI Malta Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas
- 12/16/2023 - IOI Courtesy Visits in 2023
- 12/15/2023 - IOI Nigeria Ocean Literacy and IOI Alumni Lecture Series; Hybrid, 1st December 2023
- 12/14/2023 - IOI Germany Monsoon School: Generating impact in complex coastal and marine contexts; Online 1 - 10 November 2023
- 12/13/2023 - IOI Canada Ocean Governance Workshop for Indigenous Peoples, 23 - 27 October 2023
- 12/12/2023 - IOI Ocean Academy Programmes in 2023
- 10/27/2023 - 5th International Conference on Sustainability Education, 19-20 September 2023, New Delhi, India
- 10/26/2023 - IOI Alumni Continuous Professional Development Webinar Series: VENTURING INTO THE ABYSS: DEEP SEABED MINING, 28 September 2023
- 10/26/2023 - IOI participation at the Special Panel Discussion under the Thirty-Second Session of the Trade Preferences among Developing Countries (GSTP), 19 September 2023
- 10/25/2023 - 9th IOI training Programme on the Sustainable Development and Governance of the Caspian Sea, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 11–22 September 2023
- 10/24/2023 - Training Course on Ocean Governance: Legal Framework, Policies, Technologies and Practices, 11 - 22 September 2023
- 10/23/2023 - IOI South Africa 10th Ocean Governance Training Programme in Cape Town, South Africa, 4 - 29 September 2023
- 10/22/2023 - IOI Ocean Academy: REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Maldives; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Maldives
- 10/21/2023 - Award of the IOI Elisabeth Mann Borgese Bursary, 29 September 2023
- 10/20/2023 - IOI Canada 17th Elisabeth Mann Borgese Ocean Lecture, 28 September 2023
- 09/01/2023 - World Oceans Day 2023: “PLANET OCEAN: TIDES ARE CHANGING” IOI Network events held globally
- 08/31/2023 - IOI Alumni Continuous Professional Development Webinar Series: BEYOND BOUNDARIES; 13 July 2023
- 08/29/2023 - IOI Focal Point in Chile: 2nd International Seminar “Oceans, Sustainability and Environment”
- 08/28/2023 - Obituary Mrs Alexandra Behnam-Hannawi (13/09/38 – 07/08/23)
- 08/22/2023 - IOI Ocean Academy: REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Costa Rica, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore ((हिंदी) SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Nigeria, Türkiye, Egypt, Pakistan, Singapore
- 06/08/2023 - Preserving Our Ocean Legacy: IOI Honorary President Awni Behnam on the adoption of the new 'high seas' treaty
- 06/07/2023 - IOI Representative at the Further resumed 5th Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on BBNJ
- 06/06/2023 - IOI is represented at the UN ICP, 5-9 June 2023
- 06/04/2023 - IOI Participation during the UN Trade Forum 2023 - Toward the SDG Summit 2023: High-impact trade initiatives for accelerating the SDGs
- 06/03/2023 - IOI Canada Online Training Programme: SDG14 and the UN Summit of the Future, 11 April - 1 June 2023
- 06/02/2023 - IOI Representative attends the PRE-INC 2 ASIA ONLINE FORUM, May 2023 and the PEMSEA Blue Carbon Forum in June 2023
- 06/01/2023 - REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Pakistan, Maldives; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Ukraine, Costa Rica, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Black & Mediterranean Seas
- 04/28/2023 - IOI Alumni Continuous Professional Development Webinar Series: Sailing into the Blue Economy
- 04/27/2023 - IOI Canada Online Course on Ocean Governance: SDG14 and the UN Summit of the Future, 11 April - 1 June 2023
- 04/26/2023 - IOI South Africa Ocean Governance Programme : Applications Now Open
- 04/25/2023 - Obituary Vladimir Vladimirovich Golitsyn (27/02/47 – 26/03/23)
- 04/24/2023 - REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Costa Rica, Thailand; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Singapore, India, Portugal, Pakistan
- 02/27/2023 - Survival at stake: Negotiations resume on an international legally binding instrument under UNCLOS
- 02/26/2023 - UNEP and IOI sign a 4-year Memorandum of Understanding, 13 February 2023
- 02/25/2023 - The first book from the WORLD OCEAN REVIEW series of publications - LIVING WITH THE OCEANS - now available also in Japanese
- 02/24/2023 - IOI Canada first WORKSHOP ON OCEAN GOVERNANCE FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, 5 - 9th December 2022
- 02/23/2023 - REGISTRATIONS OPEN: India; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED Courses: South Africa, Pakistan, Singapore, India, Maldives, Turkey, Egypt
- 11/18/2022 - Colloquium on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the International Ocean Institute (IOI); 1972 - 2022
- 11/17/2022 - Postage Stamps Commissioned to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of IOI
- 11/16/2022 - IOI Egypt celebrates the 50th Anniversary of IOI under the auspices of its host institute NIOF, 1st November, 2022
- 11/15/2022 - Webinar: Was 2022 truly the "Ocean Super Year" we hoped for?
- 11/14/2022 - Special Seminar: Ocean Governance - A Legacy Interrupted
- 11/13/2022 - UN Climate Conference, COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt – some reflections from Vinitaa Apte, Co-Director IOI Ocean Academy, India
- 11/12/2022 - Closing of the 17th IOI Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic & Caspian Seas
- 11/11/2022 - REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Singapore; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED Courses: Black and Mediterranean Seas, Portugal, Pakistan, Singapore, Kazakhstan
- 11/10/2022 - IOI Training Workshop on Basic Concepts of Ocean Governance for Early Career Ocean Professionals, with a focus on African Seas
- 11/09/2022 - Launch of the 16th IOI Malta Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas, 7 Nov - 7 Dec 2022
- 10/27/2022 - IOI was represented at the EAST ASIA SUMMIT WORKSHOP on Maritime Cooperation: Technical and Scientific Cooperation Towards Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Ocean
- 10/26/2022 - IOI China Regional Centre Celebrates the IOI’s 50th ANNIVERSARY with an Alumni Workshop in Tianjin; Hybrid Event, 7th September 2022
- 10/25/2022 - Professor Raimund Bleischwitz takes over as Director of IOI GERMANY succeeding Dr Werner Ekau, October 2022
- 10/24/2022 - REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Egypt, Turkey, Black & Mediterranean Seas, South Africa, Maldives; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: South Africa, Nigeria, Costa Rica, Pakistan
- 10/23/2022 - The IOI Focal Point in Chile and the Universidad Autónoma de Chile co-organised a seminar titled, “Oceans, Sustainability and Environment”, Hybrid, 25 October
- 10/22/2022 - Award of the IOI Elisabeth Mann Borgese Bursary, 2022
- 10/21/2022 - IOI Ocean Governance Training Programme for the Western Pacific Region; Hybrid, 29th August - 11 September 2022
- 10/20/2022 - Successful completion of the 9th Ocean Governance Training Programme for Africa; Hybrid, 5 - 30 September 2022, Offered by IOI South Africa
- 10/19/2022 - IOI Germany Summer School in 2022; Online, 19 - 30 September
- 08/31/2022 - United Nations Ocean Conference 2022, 27th June - 1st July, Lisbon
- 08/30/2022 - IOI Contributes to achieving SDG14 through Voluntary Commitments
- 08/29/2022 - Written Statement submitted jointly to the 2022 UN Ocean Conference by the IOI and ECOP Programme
- 08/29/2022 - Commentary: The fifth session of the IGC on an Internationally Legally Binding Instrument under UNCLOS concluded on 26 August without a final agreement
- 08/28/2022 - IOI@50 Celebrations: IOI South Africa online event “Showcasing IOI in Africa”, 4th August 2022
- 08/27/2022 - IOI NETWORK EVENTS FOR WORLD OCEANS DAY, 8th June 2022; REVITALIZATION: Collective Action for the Ocean
- 08/26/2022 - Some thoughts on the recent WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement, June 2022, Dr A Behnam, Honorary President, IOI
- 08/25/2022 - REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Singapore, Egypt; LAUNCH of the Ocean Academy in Pakistan and South Africa
- 07/08/2022 - IOI@50: Presentation of a token of appreciation from IOI to HE George Vella, President of Malta; 17th June 2022
- 07/06/2022 - IOI@50 Celebrations: 2022 Elisabeth Mann Borgese Ocean Lecture, 19th May, Dalhousie University, organised by IOI Canada
- 07/05/2022 - UN Ocean Conference, Lisbon; Highlight on Side Events with IOI participation
- 07/04/2022 - New Director for IOI South Africa, Ms Judy Beaumont and IOI Focal Point in Chile, Dr Nicolas Ojeda Zavala
- 07/03/2022 - IOI is represented at the Twenty-second meeting of the UN ICP on Oceans and the Law of the Sea: "Ocean observing", 6 - 10 June 2022
- 07/02/2022 - Dr Awni Behnam at the Palais des Nations, Geneva Switzerland, for the opening ceremony of the exhibition “My Seas, My Oceans” 13 – 30 June, 2022
- 07/01/2022 - Successful completion of the 8th IOI training Programme on the Sustainable Development and Governance of the Caspian Sea, 16th - 27th May 2022
- 06/30/2022 - IOI OCEAN ACADEMY: REGISTRATIONS OPEN: Pakistan, Portugal, South Africa; SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED: Maldives, India, Black and Mediterranean Seas
- 06/29/2022 - IOI Germany Summer School: Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Ecosystems, Online, 19th – 30th September 2022
- 06/28/2022 - IOI Canada Training: Ocean Governance in the UN Decade of Ocean Science: Key Issues and Challenges; Online, 11th April - 2nd June 2022
- 05/02/2022 - IOI hybrid side-event during UNCTAD’s 4th Oceans Forum on Trade-Related Aspects of SDG14
- 05/01/2022 - IOI Training Workshop on Basic Concepts of Ocean Governance for Early Career Ocean Practitioners, with a focus on the African Seas
- 04/30/2022 - Challenges of Sustainable Blue Economy in Marine Trade, Science and Aquaculture
- 04/29/2022 - Two More Successfully Completed IOI Ocean Academy Courses
- 04/28/2022 - Preview of some IOI Network preparations for World Oceans Day 8th June 2022
- 04/27/2022 - Economic Valuation of Coastal Ecosystems
- 01/01/2022 - The IOI OCEAN ACADEMY: Ocean Knowledge for all, Programme launched as part of the IOI's 50th Anniversary
- 12/30/2021 - Launch of the IOI OCEAN ACADEMY with three pilot online courses successfully delivered for Sri Lanka, Egypt and the Maldives
- 12/29/2021 - On the 50th ANNIVERSARY of the IOI, 1972-2022, a Message from the Honorary President of IOI, Dr Awni Behnam
- 12/01/2021 - The early years: Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the UNCLOS Narrative
- 11/25/2021 - Hybrid Special Seminar: Ocean - Climate - Biodiversity: Code Red for Humanity
- 10/28/2021 - IOI moderated Thematic Session 2B: A Sustainable Blue Economy to Support the Green Transformation of Cities
- 10/06/2021 - The IOI will be hosting during the 16th GFHS Forum the thematic session “Sustainable Blue Economy to Support the Green Transformation of Cities”
- 09/23/2021 - IOI HQ partnered with Maltese company Computime for a CSR/Ocean Literacy/Citizen Science outreach beach event
- 08/04/2015 - 2000 - 2015: IOI WOMEN, YOUTH AND THE SEA PROGRAMME