IOI training programme on The Red Sea  and Arabian Gulf: Developing Human capacity for Sustainable Ocean Governance and Integrated Management

برنامج تدريبي للمعهد الدولي للمحيطات البحر الأحمر والخليج العربي : تنمية القدرات البشرية من أجل إدارة مستدامة ومتكاملة

The training programme is conducted entirely in Arabic.


The Red Sea and Arabian Gulf are unique marine environments, boasting exceptional biodiversity, vibrant coral reefs, and crucial ecological and economic significance for the surrounding regions. However, these vital ecosystems face mounting pressures from human activities, including pollution, overfishing, coastal development, and climate change. Effective governance and international cooperation are essential to ensuring the sustainable management and conservation of these valuable marine resources.


This interdisciplinary training programme focuses on regional ocean governance in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. The four-week residential programme, offered by the IOI in Egypt at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries since November 2024, explores the complexities and opportunities within this critical region.


The training programme is conducted entirely in Arabic. Participants from all region countries are welcome to apply, but they must possess a strong working knowledge of Arabic to fully engage with the course material and discussions.


The programme requires a full-time commitment for the entire four weeks. Participants are expected to attend all lectures, workshops, and field trips. Active participation and engagement in discussions and group activities are essential components of the learning experience.


Participants explore three core modules:


Module 1: Our Relationship with the Ocean: Red Sea and Arabian Gulf Status and Way Forward

This module examines the intricate relationship between humans and the ocean in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf region. It reviews the current state of the marine environment, including its challenges and opportunities. Additionally, exploring avenues to achieve sustainability and preserve marine resources for future generations.


Module 2: Charting a Course for a Sustainable Ocean: Red Sea and Arabian Gulf Governance Framework

This module delves into effective governance frameworks for managing marine resources in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf region. It discusses the fundamental principles of good governance and review available tools and mechanisms to achieve sustainable ocean governance. 


Module 3: From Knowledge to Action: Leveraging Integrated Ocean Management in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf
This module aims to translate theoretical knowledge into practical application through integrated ocean management. Highlighting its importance in the context of the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, it showcases best practices and successful experiences in integrated management. Furthermore, it examines ways to enhance regional cooperation to achieve marine sustainability.

The training overview in Arabic can be downloaded below.

Egypt TP24 Overview Arabic.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 112.6 KB

2024 Training Programme

The inaugural Ocean Governance Training Programme offered by IOI Egypt was successfully delivered under the theme "Red Sea and Arabian Gulf: Developing Human Sustainable Ocean Governance and Integrated Management." The four-week course took place from 3rd to 28th November 2024, with sessions held in the cities of Suez and Hurghada. Out of 144 applications received, 20 candidates were shortlisted, resulting in a final cohort of 16 participants from Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan. This milestone programme marked a significant step in advancing sustainable ocean governance in the region, also since it was the first IOI Ocean governance training programme to be offered completely in the Arabic language. Read more...