Applications are NOW OPEN
IOI Thailand’s 6th Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance Framework, Implementation of the UNCLOS and its Related Instruments in the Southeast Asian Seas and the Indian Ocean
1 - 29 July 2025 in Phuket, Thailand
Delivered in the English Language
DEADLINE for Applications: 10 May 2025
The training is designed for coastal managers and practitioners from Southeast Asia and Indian Ocean regions. A number of scholarships covering training and accommodation on a half board basis are available for eligible participants. While some travel support is available, applicants who are able to provide their own travel costs will be given preferential consideration.
IOI Thailand Training Programme General Information:
2024 Training Programme
Offered in partnership between the IOI (IOI Thailand) and the Marine Resources Conservation Division, Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) of the Government of Thailand, the fifth IOI Thailand Ocean Governance Training Programme was successfully completed in July. A total of 19 participants from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand successfully graduated the programme as the latest cohort of IOI Alumni. Read more...
2019 Training Programme
The 4th Training Programme on Regional Ocean Governance for the Southeast Asian Seas and the Indian Ocean was again successfully delivered in Hua Hin District, Prachub Khiri Khan Province in Thailand from 30 June to 27 July. IOI Thailand’s programme theme is based on an integrated ocean governance approach following the principles established in UNCLOS. The programme therefore focuses on an integrated, interdisciplinary, inter-regional and cross-cultural approach. It applies legal, ethical, environmental and economic principles with the support of science and technology aimed at realistic ocean management and sustainable development.
The training programme was designed to benefit policymakers and mid-career professionals having coastal or marine related functions or interests. For this training, many participants were government officials and the training helped widen their perspective and understanding of ocean governance.
13 participants from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds were selected to attend this event. Six participants came from South and Southeast Asia, from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, with the remainder from Thailand. Local and international experts and practitioners delivered lectures, conducted classroom exercises and interactive discussions. Among the practical components that complimented the classroom discussions were conflict management exercises, a SWOT analysis, a round-table discussion and a coastal land use matrix exercise.
A report of the course is given in the 04/19 edition of the IOInforma which is available for download from Documents & Publications IOInforma News Bulletin section (0419 issue).